Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Business Law and Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Business Law and Ethics - Essay Example The utilitarian ethics is also considered in this case. I would act in a manner that favors the greatest number of people. The stakeholder’s theory as well stockholder theory still will be analyzed. These are in matters of my duties and obligation to these parties. A rationale is laid down on the action to adopt which affects the biggest number of people. An analysis of the cost outlay and benefit is down in this case. Further I would assess what other people have done in such situations and look into my rights in law. In light to these, I would blow the whistle on the violations of the inspection protocols of Delectables. A great number of risk and benefits is involved here. The first risk is losing my job since it will entail exposing the organization’s bad conduct. The other risk would involve the loss to the company. The company stands at facing a major litigation that would lead to high consumer base loss. This in turn would case reduced turnover. On the contrary, there are benefits that stand in blowing the whistle. These entail the duty owed to the public. The social aspect of honouring and acting in due care is at the core of my decision making process. The risk of the contaminating salmonella is too high should the process of violation continue. The harm to the public could be damaging if this behaviour progresses. The factors that I would consider include: safety to the public at large, the environmental damage and further the cost benefit analysis. I would not sign the quality co ntrol form because the company is in violation of the ethical standards of safety. The root cause of contamination is the hygiene aspect. The protocols laid down have all been violated. The staff wears their uniform at home thereby placing a risk of carrying the bacteria to the production area, the storage of raw peanuts and the roasted peanuts risks contamination and further the

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