Saturday, May 23, 2020
Analysis Of Brave New World By Aldous Huxley - 1281 Words
Lenina: Rebel or Conformist? The novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley presents us a number of fascinating characters, such as Lenina, who is arguably the most interesting and complex figure depicted by Aldous Huxley. In a society that conditions its population and imposes social norms, individuals can be separated into two distinct categories: the few who chose to speak up and act against the oppressive system, and most common, the conformists who blindly follow the rules and do not question authority. On one hand, Lenina is a conformist as a result of conditioning because she was taught to reinforce social norms, however the young woman presents rebellious character traits in her desire to experience romantic feelings prohibited by her†¦show more content†¦She even encourages a perturbed Bernard to take soma when he feels enslaved by his conditioning: â€Å"why don’t you take soma when you have these dreadful ideas of yours.†(p.79). Once again this shows she is a tool of the totalitari an system: not only does she follow this questionable norm, she encourages others to do the same. Lastly, Lenina’s shares the same values as the social body, which mainly consist in comfort, pleasure, and materialism. For example, this can be seen in chapter VII when she goes to the Reservation with Bernard. Indeed, she shows her dislike for the very queer pueblo of Malpais by repeating four times: â€Å"I don’t like it†(p.92, p.94, p.96). Furthermore she complains excessively about the uncivilized society’s ways, such as the lack of cleanliness, and desperately wishes she had brought her soma (p.95). Therefore, Lenina is presented as small minded because she was conditioned to believe her civilization’s norms and values are superior. In spite of her conformist behaviour, Lenina shows some rebellious traits because of her desire to experience love and a sexually monogamous relationship, in a society that imposes sexual promiscuity. In the beginning of the novel, the reader is shown Lenina’s rebellious behaviour when she admits to Fanny she has only slept with Henry Foster for the past four months: â€Å"No, there hasn’t been anyone else. And I jolly don’t see why there should have been.†Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Aldous Huxley s Brave New World Essay986 Words  | 4 PagesMatlen EWRC Period: 1 December 7, 2016 Class Struggle In his text Brave New World Aldous Huxley imagines a society genetically engineered and socially conditioned to be a fully functioning society where everyone appears to be truly happy. This society is created with each person being assigned a social status from birth, much like caste system in modern society or the social or the social strata applied to everyday society. Huxley shows the issues of class struggle from the marxist perspective whenRead MoreAnalysis Of Aldous Huxley s Brave New World Essay2257 Words  | 10 PagesGiancarlo Ricci LA 9, period 4 October 21, 2016 MAIN THEME:  It is essential to prioritize individual happiness, emotion, and humanity in order for your life to have value. OVERALL TONE: Satirical Novel Cover Art Analysis The novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, is set in a â€Å"utopian†society where individuals are born into a strict social destiny and given recreational sex and drugs to maintain universal happiness and social stability. The major theme exhibited is individual happiness, emotionRead MoreAnalysis Of Aldous Huxley s Brave New World949 Words  | 4 PagesHistory is an analysis of the past to gain knowledge and techniques of proceeding humanity in the right direction. However, all dystopian novels’ authors assume this notion of doomsday where some present alternative worlds to current ones, while others present worlds that would result from the collapse of a current one; a time when the last standing man makes the decision to save humanity by sacrificing the morals and values of modern society. These new societies emerge by using past societies asRead MoreAnalysis Of Aldous Huxley s Brave New World 2445 Words  | 10 PagesFoundations for a Future Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World criticizes a society in which sex is a commodity, self-determination in non-existent, and happiness derives from consumerism. Huxley writes the novel as a warning to both contemporary and future generations of the dangers of progress built upon the wrong foundations. The novel is a portrayal of Huxley’s own society in which talkies, the radio and premarital sex, were on the rise and like many others of his time he believed that moralsRead MoreEssay about Analysis of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley2282 Words  | 10 PagesAnalysis of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Brave New World by Aldous Huxley was published in 1932 after two major global events- World War Two from 1914-1918 and The Great Depression of 1929-1933. These two events changed the way people saw the world and made people see the events were beyond the control of individuals and even governments. Also at this time the world was seeing the rise in technology and the view that science could help solve some of the problems. Much of the technologyRead MoreAnalysis Of Aldous Huxley s Brave New World1278 Words  | 6 Pagesanother note, he said it is â€Å"a potent, even enriching.†Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, expands on this idea of exilation. Throughout the novel, several characters are faced with being exiled, whether it be from their home or community. In particular, a man by the name of John seems to experience the bulk of it. John’s experiences show that being exiled is alienating and, at the same time, enriching, while also portraying the effects of a world with complete government control over technology andRead MoreAnalysis Of Aldous Huxley s Brave New World1420 Words  | 6 Pagesexcessive effort to become perfect can be counteractive and lead to dysfunctionality. In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, characters live in a dystopian society that sprouted from the human yearning for perfection. Although the citizens in Brave New World are genetically engine ered to be perfect individuals and are on soma constantly to keep them happy and efficient, they lack individuality.. Brave New World is a novel that clearly demonstrates that trying to create a perfect society can result inRead MoreAnalysis Of Aldous Huxley s A Brave New World1708 Words  | 7 Pagessocieties, specifically those of the fictional variety we apply our mashed set of ideals based on truth and happiness on each of these different societies . In Aldous Huxley’s A Brave New World, by conventional societies ideas the citizens of the world state know nothing of traditional reality and by the standards of the traditional world are far from a state of contentment, but if examined by the ideals of the society in question the overall appearance is quite different. the population seems happyRead MoreAnalysis Of Aldous Huxley s Brave New World1591 Words  | 7 Pagesinsignificant in terms of an independent person, and because of this, people have to actively find way s to keep ourselves occupied. Aldous Huxley was born July 26, 1984. His father was a scientist that helped to develop the theory of evolution. Science was obviously a large part of his life and was most likely a key source of inspiration for his book. In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, Individualism is a rarity and society is structured to serve a higher class of people. Society is built around five classes;Read MoreAnalysis Of Aldous Huxley s Brave New World1079 Words  | 5 Pagesthe corners of the world there are diverse perspectives , that lead to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a Universal Utopia. In Brave New World by Aldous Huxley , we are able to understand the critical differences between our modern day society and the dystopian one created in the novel. There is no such thing as â€Å"perfection†and in order to function everyone should choose who they want to be, which is the complete opposite of the society formed in the Brave New World. I n this society there
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Definition and Examples of the Colloquial Style
The term colloquial refers to a style of writing that conveys the effect of informal spoken language as distinct from formal or literary English. As a noun, the term is a colloquialism. A colloquial style is commonly used, for example, in informal emails and text messages. You wouldnt use it where you need to sound professional, serious, or knowledgeable, such as in presentations, meetings, business letters and memos, and academic papers. As a literary device, it would be used in fiction and theater, especially in dialogue and internal narration of characters. Its more likely to be in lyrics as well. Colloquial writing is a conversational style, but its not writing exactly how you talk, either, Robert Saba said. To do that would be bad writing  wordy, repetitive, disorganized. A conversational style is a default style, a drafting style, or point of departure that can serve as a consistent foundation for your writing. It is the style of a painter doing sketches for a painting, not the painting itself. Conversational writing as a style, then, is still more refined, composed, and precise than talking because of the ability to self-edit and polish the words. On using the conversational style in essays, critic Joseph Epstein wrote, While there is no firmly set, single style for the essayist, styles varying with each particular essayist, the best general description of essayistic style was written in 1827 by William Hazlitt in his essay Familiar Style. To write a genuine familiar or truly English style, Hazlitt wrote, is to write as any one would speak in common conversation who had a thorough command and choice of words, or who could discourse with ease, force, and perspicuity, setting aside all pedantic and oratorical flourishes. The style of the essayist is that of an extremely intelligent, highly commonsensical person talking, without stammer and with impressive coherence, to himself or herself and to anyone else who cares to eavesdrop. This self-reflexivity, this notion of talking to oneself, has always seemed to me to mark the essay off from the lecture. The lecturer is always teaching; so, too, frequently is the critic. If the essayist does so, it is usually only indirectly. One should not go too informal in writing, either. According to Tracy Kidder and Richard Todd, Breeziness has become for many the literary mode of first resort, a ready-to-wear means to seeming fresh and authentic. The style is catchy, and catching, like any other fashion. Writers should be cautious with this or any other stylized jauntiness  especially young writers, to whom the tone tends to come easily. The colloquial writer seeks intimacy, but the discerning reader, resisting that friendly hand on the shoulder, that winning grin, is apt to back away. Mark Twains Style In fiction, Mark Twains skill with dialogue and ability to capture and portray dialect in his works are highly lauded and make his style and voice distinct. Lionel Trilling described it: Out of his knowledge of the actual speech of America Mark Twain forged a classic prose...[Twain] is the master of the style that escapes the fixity of the printed page, that sounds in our ears with the immediacy of the heard voice, the very voice of unpretentious truth. See this example from Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 1884: We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness. It was kind of solemn, drifting down the big, still river, laying on our backs looking up at the stars, and we didnt ever feel like talking loud, and it warnt often that we laughed  only a little kind of a low chuckle. We had mighty good weather as a general thing, and nothing ever happened to us at all  that night, nor the next, nor the next. George Orwells Style George Orwells goal in writing was to be clear and direct and to reach as many people as possible, ordinary folks, so his was not a formal or stilted style. Richard H. Rovere explains it this way: There is not much to do with [George] Orwells novels except read them. Nor is there much to be said about his style. It was colloquial in diction and sinewy in construction; it aimed at clarity and unobtrusiveness and achieved both. Orwells opening line of the novel 1984 starts simply yet jarringly, It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. (1949) Sources Composing to Communicate. Cengage, 2017Good Prose: The Art of Nonfiction. Random House, 2013 Introduction. The Best American Essays 1993. Ticknor Fields, 1993The Liberal Imagination, Lionel Trilling, 1950Introduction to The Orwell Reader, 1961
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Concert Paper About Blue Man Group Free Essays
Sarah DeMattio LA 321-801 Concert Paper 2/2/13 Though I had often heard of them growing up, I never really knew who, or what, Blue Man Group was. When my nineteenth birthday came along earlier this past January, my best friend decided that in celebration of my birthday, we would be solving our own age-long mystery about Blue Man Group. We were going to a show to see what exactly it was that these blue men did. We will write a custom essay sample on Concert Paper About Blue Man Group or any similar topic only for you Order Now My initial reaction was certainly less than satisfied when my best friend told me that she got us tickets to see Blue Man Group for my birthday. I remembered a discussion we had had a few months prior when we spoke avidly about how our parents always made references to something called â€Å"the blue man group†as we were growing up, and that we still to that day had no idea what it was or why it was being referenced in the first place. Though still not completely convinced, I bit my tongue, thanked my friend for the gesture, told her I could not wait to see the show, and calmed myself with the thought that at least finally, my questions of the smurph band would be answered. On January 6th, 2013, my friend Kaya and I made our way downtown. We had tickets to see the 8 p. m. show of Blue Man Group at the Astor Place Theater. Upon arrival to the venue, my reservations about the experience became even more acute; the theater looked like some kind of underground grunge dungeon I’ve heard about and warned of. We entered the theater lobby where I immediately noticed the concession and souvenir stand, because aside from the usual assortments of cookies, popcorns and soft drinks, the top recommended item to buy was a poncho. My suspicions instantly hit their zenith. â€Å"Kaya, what the heck did you bring me to?! Kaya laughed off my remark and once we were seated, elaborated about the ponchos. She told me that contrary to typical shows, where the closer your seat is to the stage in orchestra, the more expensive the seat becomes, Blue Man Group actually offers a discounted price for the first 5 rows of Orchestra. The â€Å"splash zone,†if you will. And that of course, explains the need for ponchos. Our seats happ ened to be the first row behind the last row of the â€Å"splash zone†, so obviously I spent the entire show holding my breath a little in fear that bodily fluids of any kind would make their way to me. They didn’t, thankfully. Blue Man Group consisted of three men that were all bald, blue, wore black clothing, and had extremely large mouth capacities. My favorite moment of the entire 105-minute show is hard to decide, both honestly and to my surprise. One of my top favorite and most impressed moments of the show was each time the men played their large bongo-type, garbage receptacles as drums. Two men played their own drums simultaneously while the third man stood in the middle of the two and squirted different colored liquids onto the drums, thus splashing colorful water everywhere and creating some kind of a rainbow waterfall. It was both visually fantastic and musically pleasing. The Blue Man Group’s abilities varied, but certainly never failed to impress. I cannot really describe what they played, or even did. They seem to have a knack for making instruments out of anything but instruments, and creating art with anything but art supplies. The combination of the sarcastic, poking-fun-at-society nature of the Blue Man Group along with their quirky abilities, talents, and looks, was what made the entire experience such a pleasantly surprising and enjoyable one. I am not a big fan of freaky looking characters that do odd things, spit into the audience, and chew Captain Crunch cereal in harmony, but for Blue Man Group, I made the exception and would again and again in a heartbeat. The show was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. It is a different and interesting approach to having fun, and I am determined to make any other doubters in my life see what Blue Man Group is all about for themselves. How to cite Concert Paper About Blue Man Group, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Project Management Developments
Question: Demonstrate an understanding of the theory, body of knowledge and current developments within project management ? Answer: Introduction A project management strategy is a model that the project directors enjoy for the outlining, arranging, usage and achievement of the project targets. The project management approaches have a vital part to play for actualizing the project s effectively that has been generally settled in areas such as the arranging and control of time, expense and in addition quality. Regardless of this, the inconsistency between the project and administration of project is not exactly exact. This paper expects to recognize the interrelation between the meaning of project and administration of projects by fundamentally dissecting the two of the few accessible project management techniques. It reflects on the variations involved in the two methodologies on the project and management of project along with the objectives, influences and expectations. In this study, critical analysis will be done on PRINCE2 and RAD (RAPID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT) as the two of the most commonly used project management meth odologies. Critical Analysis PRINCE2 and RAD Project Management Methodology PRINCE2 stays for activities in a Controlled Situation, it is described as a project administration program that shares a more noteworthy measure of the valuable, and cash related force with senior organization, not just the assignment manager. This framework has an accentuation on offering the task manager to direct some assistance with projecting for an affiliation's senior organization (Lianying, Jing and Xinxing, 2012). On the beneficial side, PRINCE2 gives a lone standard approach to manage the organization project s, which is the reason that various lawmaking body and overall affiliations incline toward this option. It is in like manner upheld in light of its convenience, which makes is definitely not hard to learn, despite for those with limited experience. On the disadvantage, there are customers who feel that PRINCE2 misses the noteworthiness of "sensitive capacities" that should be an inside for a project manager. The PRINCE2 methodology project lifecycle comprises of various stages from initiation to closure. Coordinating a Project - Planning a Project continues running from the start-up of the project until its decision. Initiation of project - This is the first process in PRINCE2. The strategy expects the vicinity of a Project Order, which portrays in unusual state terms the clarification behind the project and what result is searched (Huemann, 2013). Starting a Project - Agree paying little heed to whether there is sufficient legitimization to proceed with the project, Build up an unfaltering organization premise on which to proceed. Managing Stage Limits - This technique gives the Project Board key decision concentrates on whether to continue with the project or not. Controlling a Stage - The technique shapes the focal point of the Project Manager's effort on the project, being the system, which handles ordinary organization of the project (Frame, 2012). Managing Item Conveyance - The objective of this system is to ensure that orchestrated things are ensured that work on things assigned to the gathering is enough endorsed and checking work packages. Closure of the Project - The method covers the Project Manager's work to wrap up the task either at its end or at inconvenient close (Huemann, 2013). Most of the work is to get prepared information to the Project Board to procure its certification that the project may close. PRINCE2 suggests three levels of arrangement as the diverse stages to mirror the necessities of the distinctive administration levels included in the project, organize and group. The various phases in context to this methodology are as designing of the plan, definition and analysis of the products, identification of the activities and dependencies. Moreover, the other phases comprise of preparing the estimates, preparing the schedule, risk analysis and the documentation of plan (Huemann, 2013). PRINCE2 utilizes a method known as 'Item based arranging, which requires four exercises like written work of the project item depiction, formation of the item breakdown structure (Indelicato, 2011). Notwithstanding it, the philosophy utilizes the composition of the item portrayals and the making of the item stream chart. This strategy has different advantages, as it is appropriate to a project and gives an all inclusive vocabulary and approach. It likewise incorporates effectively with the business particular models and the item concentrate plainly characterizes what the project will convey and to which endorsed quality measures. One of the real disadvantages of this technique is that it is not a complete response to project administration. In this system, certain themes or methods are either excluded or not secured extensively, for case authority and system arranging. PRINCE2 is versatile, flexible and as much as a project framework can be, heartfelt. PRINCE2 can be associated with an extensive variety of undertakings, from the little to the colossal. In fact, even project s of only two or three days will benefit by particular utilization of PRINCE2 principles (Indelicato, 2012). The best approach to achievement with PRINCE2 is to recall that it is exceedingly configurable, in this manner can be balanced for all project sorts paying little personality to industry and business focus. PRINCE2 is planned to be joined generally to an extensive variety of project, be they advancement, building, IT, business, cash related or whatever. Some time recently, it has been away for IT foresees, along these lines it is still all around used as a part of the reach however there has been basic advancement starting late in distinctive business projects RAD (Rapid Application Development) is the methodology that concentrates on creating items speedier with higher quality. Concerning gathering necessities, it uses the workshop method. Prototyping is used for getting clear necessities and re-use the item parts to enliven the change courses of occasions. In this framework, an extensive variety of inside correspondences is seen as easygoing (Kodukula, 2014). RAD concentrates to keep the assignment course of action redesigned, applies change rudiments, and directs threats to keep up a vital separation from disastrous challenges. A typical RAD project life cycle comprises of various stages starting from planning to transition. Requirement Planning (RP) This stage includes the foundation of a general comprehension of the issues identified with business that encase its advancement and possible operation. User Design (UD) In this stage, the investigation is done over the detailed business exercises related with the proposed framework region and in addition the improvement of the framework structure as far as the robotized alongside manual capacities that will involve the framework (Lee, Tommelein and Ballard, 2012). Rapid Construction (RC) The objectives of this stage incorporates the achievement of the point-by-point configuration of the proposed framework and era of a framework that executes at a worthy level of execution. Transition (TR) The last stage connected with this strategy comprises of introducing the framework underway operation with insignificant interruption of typical business action and amplifying the adequacy of the framework in supporting the proposed business exercises. The phases involved in the management of projects according to RAD are almost symmetrical to the Project Lifecycle though the definitions change with every project. Prerequisites arranging stage In this stage the segments of structure organizing and structures examination times of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) are united. Customers, boss, and IT staff people analyze and agree on business needs, expand degree, restrictions, and system requirements. Client plan stage Amid this stage, customers correspond with systems examiners and make models and models that address all structure frames, inputs, and yields. Development stage This stage focuses on framework and application progression project like the SDLC. In RAD, customers continue taking an enthusiasm to introduce suggests changes or updates as genuine screens or reports are created. Cutover stage This stage takes after the last assignments in the SDLC execution stage, including data change, testing, changeover to the new structure, and preparing for customers (Levin, 2013). RAD has numerous center components that make it a remarkable technique comprehensive of prototyping to administrative methodology. Prototyping - A key part of RAD is the development of a model with the end goal of kicking off outline and flushing out client prerequisites. The goal is to manufacture a component light form of the completed item in as short a measure of time as could be expected under the circumstances, ideally days (Leybourne, Warburton and Kanabar, 2014). Iterative Development - Iterative advancement implies making progressively utilitarian renditions of a framework in short improvement cycles. Every rendition is checked on with the customer to deliver necessities that sustain the following adaptation. Time Boxing - Time boxing is the procedure of putting off elements to future application renditions with a specific end goal to finish the present variant in as short measure of time as could be expected under the circumstances. Strict time boxing is an imperative part of RAD, in light of the fact that without it scope downer can debilitate to extend improvement cycles, in this way restricting customer criticism, minimizing the advantages of iterative advancement, and possibly returning the procedure back to a waterfall strategy approach (Mir and Pinnington, 2014). Members of Team - The RAD strategy prescribes the utilization of little groups that comprise of experienced, adaptable, and inspired individuals that can perform different parts (Turner, 2012). As the customer assumes a fundamental part in the improvement process, committed customer assets must be accessible amid the beginning Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions and Focus Group Sessions led toward the end of advancement cycles. Approach towards management - Active and included administration is basic to alleviate the dangers of stretched advancement cycles, customer false impressions, and missed due dates. Most importantly, administration must be strong and steady in their longing to utilize the Rapid Application Development methodology (Petit, 2012). The RAD system is helpful as having clients cooperate with advancing models; the business usefulness from a RAD project can frequently be much higher than that accomplished by means of a waterfall model. It is known as the RAD methodology can center in from the key danger variables and adjust to them in view of exact proof gathered in the early part of the procedure (Indelicato, 2013). Notwithstanding of the few preferences the RAD procedure additionally demands the danger of another methodology with respect to most IT shops; RAD was another methodology that required experienced experts to reevaluate the way they worked. This model for project management requires time of rare assets as all ways to deal with RAD have in like manner is that there is a great deal more connection all through the whole life-cycle in the middle of clients and engineers. RAD is not suitable for all projects. The approach works best for activities where the extension is little or work can be separated into reasonable pieces. Thusly, extend groups should likewise be little; ideally two to six individuals, and the group must be involved with all advances that are to be utilized (Randolph, 2012). Business targets should be all around characterized before the project can start, so extends that utilization RAD ought not to have an expansive or ineffectively characterized scope. Moreover, to keep the project inside of a brief span outline, choices must have the capacity to be made rapidly, so it basic that there is not many customer leaders, ideally one and only, and they should be unmistakably distinguished in advance (Tomanek and Juricek, 2015). Customer managers need to comprehend and consent to a RAD approach and in a perfect world ought to be willing to acknowledge an item that is less full highlighted and/or be willing to acknowledge higher advancement cost (because of the accentuation on buying reusable segments over building them) in return for expansions in pace. Conclusion The selection of most suitable project management methodology is an immense project to be performed but must be properly evaluated by the project managers for the success of the project. At the time of selecting an appropriate methodology for a specific project, several factors should be taken into consideration for the success of the project. Every project management strategy conveys its own qualities and shortcomings. In this way, there is no great or awful philosophy and what ought to be taken after is the most suitable one as per the project management necessities. To achieve the objectives and arranged results inside of the characterized plan and additionally spending plan, there is necessity for project management approach. Regardless of the field or exchange of the project, the procedures help the project managers at each phase of the project beginning from the start to the conclusion. References Frame, J. (2012). Case Studies in Project, Program, and Organizational Project Management.Proj Mgmt Jrnl, 43(2), pp.103-103. Huemann, M. (2013). Excellent research to move project management forward.International Journal of Project Management, 31(1), pp.161-163. Huemann, M. (2013). Excellent research to move project management forward.International Journal of Project Management, 31(1), pp.161-163. Indelicato, G. (2011). 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(2012). The Project Management Maturity Model and Application Based on PRINCE2.Procedia Engineering, 29, pp.3691-3697. Mir, F. and Pinnington, A. (2014). Exploring the value of project management: Linking Project Management Performance and Project Success.International Journal of Project Management, 32(2), pp.202-217. Petit, Y. (2012). Project portfolios in dynamic environments: Organizing for uncertainty.International Journal of Project Management, 30(5), pp.539-553. Randolph, S. (2012). Fundamentals of Project Management, Fourth Edition.Proj Mgmt Jrnl, 43(4), pp.81-81. Tomanek, M. and Juricek, J. (2015). Project Risk Management Model Based on PRINCE2 and Scrum Frameworks.IJSEA, 6(1), pp.81-88. Turner, R. (2012). International Journal of Project Management, Editorial January 2012.International Journal of Project Management, 30(1), p.1.
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