Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Lowering the Drinking Age Making Youths into Adults Essay
One of the largest questions still up for debate is whether to lower the drinking age from 21 to 18. We know that this issue is very mundane to you if you’re from the 70’s and 80’s. We can also recall learning about prohibition in the 1920s. Banning alcohol wasn’t the answer then and it isn’t the answer now. It is time America has lowered the drinking age. The push for this started by the founder of Choose Responsibility, a nonprofit organization that focuses on the increasing awareness of the harms associated with alcohol use among young adults. The United States is one of the only western nations left in which the drinking age is over 18. In most European cultures, drinking is perceived as a social activity. Therefore youths drink as†¦show more content†¦Engs, professor of Applied Health at Indian University, started researching teenage drinking in the late 1970s. She conducted her research for over 20 years, when she wrote her article, à ¢â‚¬Å"Why the drinking age should be lowered: An opinion based upon research†in 1998. According to her research, the decrease in teenage freeway accidents began in 1980, not 1984, when MADD began their push. From 1982 until 1987, around 46% of students reported vomiting after drinking, jumping to over 50% after the age change. Among other changes after 1987, including; cutting class after drinking went from 9% to 12%, missing class due to hang over from 26% to 28%, and lower grades rose from 5% to 7%. Even fighting increased, from 12% to 17%. On September 17th, 2004, Gordon Bailey (â€Å"Gordie†) was found dead at the Chi Psi Fraternity house he was pledging at University of Colorado at Boulder. The night of September 16th, Gordon and 26 other pledges were taken to a nearby park and forced to drink four handles of whiskey and six bottles of wine in 30 minutes. When they accomplished their task they returned to the fraternity house, and Gordon was placed on a couch to à ¢â‚¬Å"sleep it off.†Gordon never woke up. In an interview with 60 Minutes his parents were asked, â€Å"Do you think if the drinking age had been 18 and not 21, would the fraternity brothers have called for help?†Gordons stepmother responded with â€Å" I think so.†His father believed the situation to be â€Å"very preventable.†This is aShow MoreRelatedThe Legal Drinking Age Of The United States1479 Words  | 6 Pages The legal drinking age in the United States has been argued for many decades. The current minimal legal drinking age is twenty-one but some want to lower between eighteen and twenty. The main focus of the research conducted and opinions of people are based on the minimal legal drinking age of eighteen. The research is taken from the 1970s, when the twenty-sixth Amendment was passed in the Constitution (Wagenaar, 206). It was stated that eighteen is the â€Å"age of majority†, so thirty-nine of theRead MorePersuasive Essay On Underage Drinking1291 Words  | 6 PagesUnderage drinking is one of the largest problems that we have in the United States. This is a problem because alcohol is an item that nobody under twenty-one years of age is allowed to purchase or consume. People who are underage are punished by law when they consume or attempt to purchase alcohol illegally. This makes people under twenty-one want alcohol even more. In other countries where the drinking age is lower, there are less problems because it gives parents the push to teach their childrenRead MoreShould The Drinking Age Be Lowered?994 Words  | 4 PagesShould the Drinking Age Be Lowered? Approximately 2 out of every 3 high school students have drank to the point of getting intoxicated (binge drink), in more than one occasion (Centers for Disease and Control Prevention [CDC], n.d.). Binge drinking has become increasingly common for youth under the minimum legal drinking age, making it increasingly dangerous because of the lack of supervision that young adults have that can consequently, lead to death because of fear of the law (Bonnie O’ConnellRead MoreWhy The Drinking Age During The U.s. Should Be Lowered1300 Words  | 6 PagesInsert name Professor’s name Course/class Date Why the drinking age in the U.S. should be lowered to 18 Getting to 18 years of age is an important milestone for a US resident because it is the legal age for independence, allowing the individual to make his or her decisions regarding tobacco smoking, driving and even joining the armed forces while being treated as an adult by the justice system. While this statement is essentially accurate, it is untrue concerning the ability to purchase and drinkRead MoreBinge Drinking vs the Drinking Age Essays829 Words  | 4 PagesEnglish 101 March 13, 2013 Binge Drinking VS the Drinking Age Presidents of college campuses around the nation face issues of underage drinking and binge drinking on a regular basis and realizes that it is a danger and a problem. â€Å"Alcohol consumption is the third leading cause of death in the U.S., a major contributing factor to unintentional injuries, the leading cause of death for youths and young adults, and accounts for an estimated 75,000 or more deaths in the United States annually†(WechslerRead MoreLowering The Minimum Drinking Age1429 Words  | 6 Pagesminimum drinking age over 18†(Griggs, 1). When Ronald Reagan signed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act in 1984, its goal was to reduce less-mature adults from consuming alcohol and performing reckless acts (Cary, 1). However, despite the current drinking age, 17.5 percent of consumer spending for alcohol in 2013 was under the age of 21. It is estimated that â€Å"90 percent of underage drinking is consumed via binge drinking†¦with alcohol abuse becomi ng more prevalent among the country’s youth†(AguirreRead MoreChanging the Minimun Legal Drinking Age in the United States1745 Words  | 7 Pagesthe Minimum Legal Drinking Age in the United States Over the past twenty years the minimum legal drinking age has been twenty-one in all US states, but that has not stopped citizens of the United Sates from attempting to lower the age. Following the end of prohibition in the United Sates during the Great Depression, all states agreed on a set of twenty-one to be the legal drinking age. For almost forty years there was no change in the drinking age until a decrease in the age for voting occurredRead MoreThe Influence Of Little Timmy On Children Essay1443 Words  | 6 Pageshardly believe that he was already a legal adult, free to do whatever he wanted, within his parent’s limit of course. Being an adult meant that he could do whatever he wanted Timmy thought as he put the finishing touches on his history report due the next day. Being an adult also meant that he could drink like an adult if he wanted as well. With a flash of inspiration, he ran downstairs to beg his parents for the car keys so he could enjoy his first adult beverage. His eighteenth birthday was aboutRead MoreThe Legal Drinking Age Should Be Lowered From The Age Of 21 Essay980 Words  | 4 Pageshow people who are considered â€Å"adults†cannot even make their own decisions? The drinking age on alcohol is a controversial social and cultural issue in today’s society; all fifty states have a minimum drinking age of 21. The legal drinking age should be lowered from the age of 21 to 18 allowing young adults to be granted the right to drink in restaurants, bars, at social events, in the comfort of their own home, and so on. If anything, lowering the legal drinking age would have a positive impact onRead More America Must Lower the Drinking Age Essay981 Words  | 4 PagesAmerica Must Lower the Drinking Age The current drinking age in the United States of America is 21. There are some people who agree with the current drinking age even some who think it should be raised. On the other hand, a number of people feel that the current drinking age produces more problems than it prevents (â€Å"Cross Fire†). The United States has unsuccessfully tried prohibition legislation not once, but twice in the past. These laws were eventually done away with due to the inability
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Network Management And Security - 1766 Words
P r e e t V i m a l c h a n d J a i n P a g e | 1 Homework 3 CS 696 Network Management and Security Fall 2014 1. Have you thought more the project? How would you measure your success on the project? What are some concrete objectives and how much work do you think is involved? Yes I have thought more about the project as well searching and reading research papers so that I can get overview and understand the concepts in detail. I would measure it as it will help me to learn the skills of networking and also would give me a habit to read research papers and learn more about technologies. Currently, I am not sure the amount of work involved as I am still searching and reading papers and gathering as much information I can get. 2. For the APT1†¦show more content†¦Also, the attackers used Chinese keyboard to attack the users and used Chinese language which may help the cyber authority to trace the IP of the attacker and the region of the attacker. 3. What is information entropy? Why do you want a lot of entropy in your password? Information entropy is the average amount of information contained in each message received. Here, message stands for an event, sample or character drawn from a distribution or data stream. Basically, it tells us how much information is there in an event. In general, the more random the event is, the more information it will contain. Entropy thus characterizes our uncertainty about our source of information. The source is also characterized by the probability distribution of the samples drawn from it. The idea here is that the less likely an event is, the more information it provides when it occurs. The concept of entropy was created by a mathematician. He was named Claude Elwood Shannon. Entropy is average information, it is also measured in Shannons, nats, or hartleys, depending on the base of the logarithm used to define it. It has applications in many areas like lossless data compression, cryptography and other disciplines like biology, physics or machine learning. We need a lot of entropy in our password because of the following reasons: P r e e t V i m a l c h a n d J a i n P a g e | 2 Firstly, entropy is a measure of the disorder in a data sample which means â€Å"more the data
Monday, December 9, 2019
Waiting for Godot free essay sample
This short passage is symptomatic of the rest of the play, effectively condensing its concerns about human existence in several very poignant moments and metaphors. Central to the passage is the carrot, which acts as a physical and visual metaphor for life itself, and the disappointment that it brings. The fact that the carrot has a deeper meaning is not immediately evident. Initially, Becketts choice of food gives us an insight into his thematic concern. Carrots and turnips are a peasants food. They taste dull and insipid, and no one but the desperately poor would even contend to eat them day after day make it last, thats the last of them. The initial dialogue (regarding the carrot) between Estragon and Vladimir further builds on our understanding, with Estragons weary question Is that all there is? finally revealing Becketts axiom; that hunger, hardship and (most importantly) disappointment are the unalterable laws of life. Beckett builds on this point by showing mans eternal struggle to make something of his life via the stage directions given Vladimir rummages e rummages again. The word rummages suggests a blind fumbling, while again suggests repetition. When put together, and repeated several times in that scene, the physical search for a carrot, but finding only turnips Give me a carrot. [Angrily. ] Its a turnip! , is emblematic of the wider struggle that all humans face against hardship, but also against false hope. In particular, the curt stage directions given to Estragon [Angrily. ] suggest a sudden explosion of frustration the instant he realises he has bitten down on a turnip instead of a carrot. The intensity and immediacy of the raw emotion demonstrate the potency of disappointment that we experience because of false hope. The conversation that follows reinforces this. Interestingly enough, at the start the conversation raises our hopes that Vladimir will provide a more positive perspective Funny, the more you eat, the worse it gets is followed by For me its just the opposite and in other words? . The intuitive opposite of the more you eat, the worse it gets is perhaps the more you eat, the better it gets. However, our expectations, much like Estragons earlier are let down when Vladimir wryly remarks I get used to the muck as I go along. All of this combined highlights Becketts position regarding Mans existence, and how it is merely a continuous, unceasing Sisyphean struggle. Besides the carrot, the short reference to Godot is also significant because of the uncertainty that it induces, which is symptomatic of the uncertainty that envelopes our own existence. The conversation between Estragon and Vladimir is peppered with questions, some of which are answered in turn by another question Did you reply is followed by Hows the carrot. This appears to be an attempt to divert attention away from uncomfortable areas, but by doing so creates a measure of uncertainty and confusion over the motivations for doing so. Vladimirs overly innocent Tied? is sarcastically challenged by Estragons ti-ed. Estragon drags out the word in an attempt to deliberately over exaggerate it, mocking Vladimir. In this case, it almost appears as though Vladimir suffers from selective deafness, and creates further uncertainty as to his motives. When it finally becomes apparent that Vladimir was avoiding the question because he too was uncertain, it generates even more confusion among the audience. Vladimirs own uncertainty is demonstrated in the way he categorically states To Godot? Tied to Godot? What an idea! No question of it! [Pause] For the moment. The pause before he adds a caveat to his originally (seemingly) unshakable belief shows the flimsiness of his own knowledge. Estragons follow up question His name is Godot further confuses the audience. If Estragon did not know who he was waiting for, then why wait in the first place? The confusion evoked by this scene is the intended effect Beckett desired. The confusion and uncertainty that characterises his dream-like dystopia is supposedly the same kind of uncertainty that we encounter in our own existence. Beckett then ends off on a heavy, cynical note, a slightly detached continuation from the carrot metaphor to drive home his final point that for all the disappointment and uncertainty that we face, there is nothing to be done. This phrase is unique for its passivity. It passively accepts without challenging, quietly but willingly resigning oneself to ones fate. Interestingly, No use struggling and No use wriggling initially provide a contrasting picture of action but is temp ered by the passivity of one is what one is. Furthermore, the use of the word No use again has an undertone of resignation. Amidst this tragic message about the human condition that Beckett tries to put forth, is also a mixture of humour. The carrot remains, now relegated to the role of a physical prop. The stage directions, He proffers the carrot and Sucks on the end of it meditatively provide an atmosphere of nonchalance that conflicts with the tension and seriousness of the message that is being delivered. This tension between humour and the sadness of the human condition is Becketts final message to the audience; that while the human condition is inherently sad, it is not monolithic. Humour does exist even in the bleakest of situations and times. Ultimately, this passage conveys successfully Becketts views on existence and the human condition. While his views are primarily bleak here, as with the rest of the play, it is also poignant, for the incorporation of humour into the bleak world of Estragon and Vladimir somehow makes their burden simultaneously heavier and lighter.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Term Paper on Islami Bank Limited free essay sample
Background of the Study Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) is the first of its kind in the South East Asia which was established in 1983 with a view to provide banking services based on Islamic principles. The bank, which started its operation with only 3 branches in the first year of its inception, has now 207 branches in 26 years of operation. As a bank, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited receives deposits from its customers from all over the country as well as from abroad on profit and loss sharing basis and deploys that fund to different investment clients to gain profit. The bank distributes an agreed portion of the profit earned to the customers and the shareholders. Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited also performs foreign exchange business. In this process, the bank endeavors to contribute to the betterment of the society. In the context of open market economy, the foreign exchange business is growing rapidly and playing a vital role in the economic growth of a country. We will write a custom essay sample on Term Paper on Islami Bank Limited or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page About 40 % of total business of our country is rolling through foreign exchange transaction. Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited has significantly contributed in flow of international transactions. Among the private commercial bank of our country IBBL is being kept the first position in export, import, remittance flow and as well as earnings the operating profit. Why I have chosen this topic, because to focus the foreign exchange banking performance of IBBL its activities as based on Islamic Shariah. This study is done to evaluate the over all activities of IBBL. Findings of the study may benefit the organization itself to take strategic decision on its future plan to enhance the volume of foreign exchange transaction. It may also benefit the readers as well as researchers who have particular nterests in international trade finance. 1. 1 Scope of the Study The scope of this paper is to discussion of various aspects of Deposit Mobilization, Investment Mechanism Foreign exchange operation of IBBL. This report aims to focus the actual practices â€Å"An Overview Of Foreign Exchange Operation†of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited and its operations. 1. 2 Objectives of the Stu dy The first objective of writing the report is fulfilling the partial requirements of the BBA program. The main purpose of this study is to have a better orientation on Foreign Exchange business performances of the bank. In this report, I have attempted to give an overview of Foreign Exchange Operation of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited . Following are the main objectives ? To familiar the history and operations of Islami Banking in Bangladesh. ? To show the investment mechanism and product offerings in different modes of IBBL. ? To show overall investment proposal, appraisal procedures, documentation system of IBBL and Conventional Banks. ? To show an overview of Foreign Exchange Operation of IBBL. ? To show the differences with conventional banking regarding investments aspects ? To identify strength and weakness of investments of IBBL. To identify the problems related to investments faced by IBBL. ? To recommend actions that may be necessary to redesign the investments of IBBL. 1. 3 Methodology The study is performed based on the information extracted from different sources collected by using a specific methodology. The methods of completing the report have included some steps which are followed by one by one. First of all I selected the topic of the report then I had to collect information relating to the topic by primary and secondary sources and through personal interview. As a Internee of IBBL it was easy for me to collect data. After gathering the information I had to determine the procedure of research and sampling plans. After gathering all the information I required, I have come up with an expected result of the report. Population: All the Branches of IBBL located in everywhere in Bangladesh has been taken into consideration as population. Sample: Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd, Head Office complex Branch. Data collection: Source of data of this report can be divided into two categories: 1. 4 Sources of Information ? Primary Sources: †¢ Practical experience of banking. †¢ Training, workshop seminar. †¢ Related files, books study provided by the officers concerned. Secondary Sources: †¢ Research papers, training materials, magazines. †¢ Annual Report ,Audit Reports of IBBL †¢ Banking related text books, Relevant books, Research papers, Newspapers and Journals, Manuals. †¢ Class notes of IBTRA, Website of IBBL. 1. 5 Limitations of the Study From the intention to make the rep ort realistic and properly accepted this report has been conducted. However, many problems appeared in the way of conducting the study. During the study it was not possible to visit the whole area covered by the bank although the financial statements and other information regarding the study have been considered. The study considers following limitations: ? The major limitation I faced in preparing this report was the sensitivity of the data. As it is a highly competitive market, if the margin information is released to other competitors, it may have a negative impact on their business. Resultantly, in some cases management were reluctant to give some specific data. ? Confidentiality of data was another important barrier that was confronted during the conduct of this study. Every organization has their own secrecy that is not revealed to others. While collecting data on IBBL, personnel did not disclose enough information for the sake of confidentiality of the organization ? Rush hours and business was another reason that acts as an obstacle while gathering data ? Time limitation is also a big factor, which hinders the data collection process. Due to time limitation many aspect could not by discussed in the present study. What is Islamic Bank? An Islamic Bank is a financial institution that operates with the objectives of implementing and materializing the economic and financial principles of Islam in the banking arena. The definition of Islamic Bank as approved the General Secretariat of the OIC is stated in the following manner. â€Å"An Islamic Bank is a financial institution whose status, rules and procedures expressly state its commitment to the principle of Islamic Shariah and to the banning of the receipt and payment of interest on any of its operations. †According to Islamic Banking Act 1983 of Malaysia, â€Å"Islamic Bank is a Company which carries on Islamic banking business. Islamic banking business means banking business whose aims and operations do not involve any element which is not approved by the religion of Islam. 2. 1 Why Islamic Bank? The objective of Islamic banking is not only to earn profit, but to do good and welfare to the people. Islam upholds the concept that money, income and property belong to Allah and this wealth is to be used for the good of the society in general and human being in particular. Islamic banks operate on Islamic principles including profit and loss sharing, strictly avoiding interest, which is the root of all exploitation and is responsible for large scale inflation and unemployment. An Islamic bank is committed to try its best to do away with disparity and establish justice in the economy, trade, commerce and industry, build socio-economic infrastructure and employment opportunities. 2. 2. 1 Introduction Islami Bank Bangladesh is one of the pioneer private commercial bank of Bangladesh. It was incorporated on 13. 03. 1983 as a public company with limited liability under company act, 1913. The Bank started its business from 30. 03. 1983. IBBL is based on Islamic Sharia’h. It is the first Islamic Bank in Southeast Asia. Now, it is the leading private commercial Bank in Bangladesh.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Racism Essays - National Hockey League, Ice Hockey, Helmets
Racism Essays - National Hockey League, Ice Hockey, Helmets Racism SHOULD THE NHL MAKE THEIR PLAYERS WEAR MORE PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT PROTECTIVE GEAR EQUALS SAFETY IN THE NHL The NHL should force their players to wear protective gear. Three reasons why protective gear should be worn are: one, it would prevent physical injuries; two, the players would set a good example for the future generations; three, it would take away from the negative aspects of the game. Protective gear helps a somewhat violent game remain as clean as possible. Wearing protective gear would prevent physical injuries in hockey. There were many hockey players who have worked hard all of their lives to become professional hockey superstars and when they finally got to the NHL, they become injured and were forced to watch the game instead of playing in it. An example of this is Brett Lindros. At the age of sixteen, the New York Islanders drafted Brett in the first round of the entry draft. He played his first NHL game against the Buffalo Sabers when he was eighteen years old. One year later, on February ninth, his whole life came crashing down on him. His lifelong dream to win a Stanley Cup had come to an end. He was hit with a thundering bodycheck into the boards and was knocked unconscious. Soon it was discovered that Brett had a history of concussions that dated back to when he was sixteen years old. The collision forced him to retire at the age of nineteen and spend the rest of his life pondering what was now the fact that he would have to quit in order to live. What actually happened was, when he was hit against the boards, his head hit the glass and that impact forced him to collapse and fall to the ice. This gruesome injury could have been avoided if Brett was wearing an approved helmet. The helmet that he was wearing at the time of the injury had no foam on the inside. That foam helps absorb the impact of a blow to the head. If he had been wearing one, there would have been a huge chance that he could have left the ice with only a mild injury instead of a career ending one. Another example is Brian Berard. His whole career came to an end on March the eleventh when he was playing against the Ottawa Senators. Marian Hossa was taking a slapshot and Berard fell to the ice to block the shot. When the puck was shot, the end of Hossas stick struck Berard in his eye. The blow caused a 20-millimeter cut across the eyeball, detached the retina, sliced off the lens, and caused other problems.2 Brian Berard is only twenty-two years old and is forced to finish his career because of his health. All of which could have been avoided if he had been wearing a visor on his helmet. If he had been wearing a visor, Hossas stick would have just bounced off the plastic and Berard would still have blocked the shot. If the league enforces the use of approved equipment, the kids will hardly ever read about injuries on the ice and therefore they wont have a fear in the back of their heads when playing hockey. When the children play hockey in the minor leagues they are forced to wear approved gear. So, if the NHL creates the same rule, these kids will find it easier to adapt to professional hockey when they are drafted because they are already used to wearing the equipment. Another example of players setting a good example for the future generation of hockey players is Pavel Bure. Pavel Bure is a role model who wears a visor and kids want to play hockey just like him. When children watch their favourite hockey players play hockey wearing protective equipment, the children tend to mimic the behavior of the players and therefore wear protective equipment themselves while playing hockey. Pavel Bure sets a great example by wearing the visor because he is showing the children that you can be a superstar and you can be safe at the same time.He also makes it a habit to show the kids that safety is an important issue when playing
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Most Common Answer on the ACT Guess C
Most Common Answer on the ACT Guess C SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Everyone knows that, when guessing on a multiple-choice test, the best answer to choose is C...right? A friend of a friend swears by it, it’s served you well in the past (maybe?), and it’s become such a commonly known â€Å"fact,†such an undisputed strategy, that you may feel as if you were born knowing it- †when in doubt, pick C and move on.†But does this time-honored tradition of picking C when in doubt actually work on the ACT? And if not, what can you do to improve your odds when guessing? Let’s look at the facts. Why You Should Answer Every Question on the ACT First of all, there is no penalty for choosing a wrong answer on the ACT, so make sure tonever leave a question blank. You'll earn one point for every correct answer you choose and zero points for any blank or wrong answers, so it doesn'thurt you to make a guess. If you don't knowan answer and guessit wrong, you'll earn the same number of points that you would have had you left it blank (zero). And if you guessthe question right, you'll earn yourself one point! Now when you're forced to guess on a question for whatever reason, you'll have to decide between thetwo main types of guessing: educated guessing and blindguessing. So let's break down how and when to go about making each type of guess. Educated Guessing You can make an educated guess when you: understand the gist of a question, butdon't have the timeto workthrough it completely, don't quite know how to work through a question completely, or you're torn between a few answer options. But if you've got some idea of what the answer can (and- just as important- what it can't) be, it's time to eliminate some answer choices and make an educated guess. For example, let's look at an ACT math problem: Even if you don't have enough time to completely work through the problem or don't know all the steps, just a little knowledge of lines and slopes will tell usthat the answer will be B, C, or D. Why? Because our given slope is $-{2/3}$and a negative slope will fall down towards the right when drawn through our given point (2, 5). This means we can eliminate answer choices A and E immediately. (Spoiler alert: D is the right answer.) BlindGuessing But let's say you've come up against a question and you have absolutely no clue where to begin. Or maybeyou've got ten seconds left on the clock and fifteen questions still left unanswered. You know that leaving a question blank is tantamount to throwing your points out the window, so now it's time to make a blindguess. There's no time for educated guessing or eliminating answer choices- you just have to fill in a bubble. Butwhen you have to make a blindguess like this (or multiple blind guesses), are you better off choosing C than any other answer choice? Let's see. Don't let their cheerful smiles fool you- three of them are hiding the wrong answer, dun dun DUN. Fact or Fiction: Is C the Most Common Answer on the ACT? The idea that C is the best answer to choose when guess-answering a question on a multiple choice test rests on the premise that ACT answer choices are not truly randomized.In other words, the implication is that answer choice C is correct more often than any other answer choice.After all, if the answer key were truly randomized, then why should C be any more likely to be the right answer than any other option? [Note: the ACT switches between using A, B, C, D (andE on the math section) and F, G, H, J (and K on the math). H is the equivalentto C.] Some (or even many) of your high school teachers likely still design their tests by hand, which means that their answer keys will not be statistically random.No matter how much your teachers try to randomize their choices, human beings are NOT random and cannot properly randomize a series.For instance, a truly random sampling will actually produce bizarre strings of patterns- e.g., five AB’s in a row, or twenty questions without a D- and most people do not (or cannot) create these patterns when they try their best to be â€Å"random.†Fortunately or unfortunately, this is NOT the case on the ACT. Unlike many of the tests you take in high school, ACT answer keys are completely computer generated. And computers are very good at being random. This means that the answer choices will have a statistically even distribution of 1 in 4 for each answer choice letter (or1 in 5 on the math section): there is no most common answer on the ACT. So, ultimately, guessing C (or any letter!) will give you the correct answer only a statistical 25% of the time(20% on the math section). Which meansit's NOT true that choosing C will give you a better rate of success than choosing any other letter for your blind guessing. What to do, then? So How Should You Guess? If C isn't the most common answer on the ACT, then which letter should you guess? The truth is that it doesn't matter which letter you pick, only that you stick to the one you choose. The best strategy,and the one that will maximize your overall point gain,is to pick your favorite letter and fill it infor every blind guess. Maybe that letter is A/F or B/G - it doesn't matter. Just be sure to stick with it every single time. So definitelygo ahead and choose C/H to be your designated letter if you like it best! (Just don't expect C to be any betteran answer choice than A, B, or D.) But maybe you're thinking that sounds completely illogical. Why should you fill in the same letter over and over? Why Does Sticking to One Letter Increase Your Odds of Guessing the Right Answer? Your overall score will improve if you stick to choosing the same letter again and again when making blind guesses. This isbecause people are never truly random. If you’re making "random" blind guesses in a spread, you will almost certainly reduce your overall guesses odds, because your best attempt at random guessing cannot replicate computer-generated randomness. But by sticking to your designated letter when making blind guesses, you are re-introducing an element of randomness. Let’s see this in action to better demonstrate why this works. Scenario: It’s crunch time and you’ve run out of minuteson the clock. You have 15 questions left to goand only a few seconds to bubble in your answers. This means you don’t have time to even look at the questions, so you must try to make the best blind guesses you can and maximize your point-gain. You are left with two options: make a random guess spread, or fill in every letter with the same answer choice. Let’s see how each option does when compared to a real ACT answer guide (in this case, we are using the first 15 answers of the 2015/2016 ACT reading section answers, with all F, G, H, J's converted to A, B, C, D's.) (Note: for our random spread, we tried to guess as randomly as we could without looking at the answer key, and for our consistent letter, we simply went with C.) â€Å"Random†Spread Consistent Guess (C) Correct Answers A C A C C D B C C A C C A C B B C D D C A B C C D C B B C D C C A A C D C C C C C D D C B By choosing a random spread, we earned 2 points out of a possible 15.But by sticking with one answer choice, we earned 4 points. Ultimately, sticking to the sameletter won't work better for each individual question, but on average and over a spread, the strategywill let you maximize your overall point-gain. Oh, statistics, you strange creature. The Take-Aways So is C the most common answer on the ACT? No! But is it the best letter to choose when you're in a bind and don't know what the right answer choice is? Well, that's more complicated. Always remember that it'sin your best bet to eliminate answer choiceswhenever possible. But if you can't, and you must make a blind guess, then stick to one letter and run with it every time. If you want this letter to be C (and it's equivalent, H), then go right ahead! Just make sure you stick with it every single time. C isn't any better or worse than any other letter, or any more likely to be the correct answer, but if you decide to stick with it for every blind guess you make, you'll be better off than trying to be "random." What's Next? Blind guessing strategy is great in a pinch, but elimination is always better! Check out our guides on how to make your best guesses on the ACT, how to eliminate answer choices on the ACT math section, and how to avoid the top elimination pitfalls that many students make. Want to get more ACT practice? Check out all the free ACT tests available online and gauge how you're scoring by checking out what falls into a "good" and "bad" ACT score. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points or more? Check out PrepScholar's test-prep programour five day free trial. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by ACT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Report - classroom observation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Report - classroom observation - Essay Example It is significant for both parties to identify these things. Hopkins (2002, 10) explains that the setting of a class makes an observer to preconceive what he/she will expect when the class commences. Since the topic was about the television, the students would have to listen to the television. Since s and videos are almost inseparable, there was the inclusion of the video. It also made the class more interesting. The television was placed before the class while the instructor stood between the students and the screen. However, she made sure that she did not obstruct the students from viewing the screen. By standing between these two subjects, the teacher was able to monitor both sides thus she could manage the class better. If she stood at the back of the class, the students would be distracted by having to look at the rear of the course group and then at the front in order to follow up on both the teacher and the screen. The teacher started by pronouncing some words to be expected when viewing the video or television. The students first listened to the pronounced words, then they repeated these words and then they tried to spell them out so that they could have a better understanding of them. The teacher encouraged the students to ask questions regarding the areas they did not understand. Additionally, the teacher encouraged the participation of the students before, after and during the watching of the video. At one point, all the three students were not attentive to what was on the screen. The teacher encouraged the students to be attentive by showing the video once more. The teacher’s language and actions were also strategic in enabling the students to understand the content they were taught. Ollerton (2004, 14) states that the language used by a teacher when teaching plays a major role in enabling a student to understand a given topic. The teacher was constantly praising
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Window Server 2012 Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Window Server 2012 - Research Proposal Example Accordingly, in order to improve the effectiveness of the communication procedure and secure the integrity of the brand image along with the operational data, the company wants to implement the concept of Windows Server 2012 within all aspects of their data protection and communication setup. Thus, this proposal will mostly remain focused towards understanding the aspect regarding how Windows Server 2012 can be implemented within the areas of active directory, group policy setup, domain naming system (DNS), file services, remote services and windows server update services (WSUS) in order to reinforce the functionality of Shiv LLC. The concept of domain model demarcates the availability of usable networking resources that remain stored within multiple server machines in a network setup. The users just have to log in within the domain system through a specific id and password after which they can attain access to the stored data and other resources in an appropriate manner. Moreover, different domain models have been created by Microsoft that finds applicability to a platform depending on the version of server operating system installed within it. Since in the case of Shiv LLC the considered version of server operating system is Windows Server 2012, thus two specific categories of domain models can be found applicable in this context. The first model is the’ Single Domain Model’ and the second one is the ‘Regional Domain Model’. The diagrammatic representation provided below will help in gaining a lucid comprehension about the concepts of these two models in an appropriate manner.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Counselling Theories Essay Example for Free
Counselling Theories Essay 1.Explain the concept of nature versus nurture, using yourself as a case study to illustrate the theory. The concept of nature versus nurture is that human behaviour is influenced by genetic information inherited from our parents and also by environmental and social influences. My appearance such as short sightedness and pigmentation (freckles) I inherited from my parents. This means like my father I must wear glasses to drive and many other aspects of my daily life. Being a woman this heightens my social awareness as how others perceive me. Society dictates ‘the body beautiful’. Magazines, Bill-boards, TV and newspapers constantly suggest the need to have a perfect complexion. This influences how I perceive myself and makes me feel I must wear makeup to cover up such blemishes to appear more acceptable and feel good about myself. Thus this influences my behaviour in everyday life as I feel my appearance determines my acceptance by others. 2.Identify one strength and one weakness of the nature versus nurture concept in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour. One strength of the nature versus nurture concept in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour is the ability to explain addiction to smoking, drinking and narcotics. Children see their family and friends behaviour as socially acceptable and so exhibit these behaviours with little question. This often leads to entrenched social behaviour. This suggests that our early experiences can affect our perspective later in adulthood. One weakness of the nature versus nurture concept in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour is that if someone’s behaviour is solely determined by their genes then to what extent are people in control of their lives. For instance people suffering from ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) have the same set of genes but depending on their family, social or cultural upbringing may respond differently to the same situation. 3.Describe Freud’s concept of the ego, id and superego. Explain how the ego, id and superego interact. Use an example from your own experience. Id: Describes the biological or instinctive response. This is our original personality we are born with and controls responses in the early stage of life. Ego: In this second developmental stage, compromises in instinctive responses to environmental circumstances begin to develop. The ego mediates with the id by considering the rules of the real world and the consequences of actions taken in that world. Superego: This is that part of our psyche that determines how we think we should react in a given situation. This is the development of morals, what is right and what is wrong. It is a further development of control over the id response. An example from my own experience is say when I see a piece of cake on display. My id tells me I want to eat the piece of cake, my ego says are you really that hungry. My superego rationalises the situation and asks if I eat the cake unnecessarily, a possible consequence is I will put on weight and so is this the right thing to do? 4.Identify one strength and one weakness of Freud’s concept of the ego, id and superego in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour. One advantage of Freud’s concept of the ego, id and superego in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour is that it gives a good overall description of development of the human psyche. It recognises the development of personality and physical development stages. It demonstrates the interplay or lack of; between these different aspects of the psychological process and how different outcomes can occur as a consequence of this balance. One weakness of Sigmund Freud’s concept of the ego, id and superego in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour is that not each may be equally well developed. This mix of psyche occurs at different rates for each individual. This can lead to social consequences where individuals will be treated differently causing a hindrance in the future development of the ego and superego. 5. Describe Jean Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development and provide an example from your own experience to illustrate the theory. Sensorimotor (Birth 18 months): During this period the baby begins to recognise the world around them and so develops refined eye movement, depth vision, and later as they begin to explore further learn to crawl and then walk. They start to use simple language ‘mum’, ‘dad’ and other single word responses.  Preoperational (18 months to 6 years): Here the child increases their vocabulary and recognise some simple symbols and how to deal with certain basic situations. They can understand those near to them and begin to categorise the world around them. ï€ ªConcrete operational (6 to 12 years): At this point language skills increase but are still tied to the real world. The ability to reason increases in seeking to understand the world around them. Formal operational (12 years and over): About this point the child begins to explore abstract or hypothetical situations. There is an attempt to organise thoughts and situations into a logical ordering. From my own experience while I cannot remember the first two stages but I have seen them in my children’s growing up. At the age of 12 my daughter started to explore cooking for herself at first making cakes and more complicated meals. She started to ask such questions regarding instructions on packet mixes before progressing to more complicated cooking such as a bacon, tomato and onion omelette. More recently she has started to explore more complex issues and why people do what they do. 6.Identify one strength and one weakness of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour. Piaget’s stages of cognitive development demonstrate an important connection between physical development and personality stages. A criticism levelled at Piaget however was that he used his own children and others from a well educated and high socio-economic background. This selection is thus not fully representative of all society. Further children from different environment and cultural backgrounds may mature differently. Thus the age classification of the different stages may be much wider with some children developing at an earlier age and some later. 7.List Erikson’s eight psychosocial stages of development. Which stage do you see yourself in and why? (1)Oral sensory (0 – 1 year) (2)Muscular anal (2 – 3 years) (3)Locomotor-genital (3 – 5 years) (4)Latency (6 years – puberty) (5)Adolescence (12 – 18 years) (6)Early adulthood (18 – 35 years) (7)Middle adulthood (35– 60 years) (8)Mature adult (60+ years) I’m at stage 7 according to Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development. I am 40 years old, I have a family, a career and have organized as much as is possible my future life which now includes further education. 8.Identify one strength and one weakness of Erikson’s stages of development in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour. A strength of Erikson’s stages of development in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour is that it places greater stress in the nature versus nurture debate for the need for both concepts. Further this description is placed across an entire lifespan of a human being. A criticism, however, is that this theory describes the developmental process rather than explaining it.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Against California Proposition 2 Essay -- Farm Management Animal
In the November 2008 General Election, citizens of the state of California will be asked to consider many issues affecting the state as a whole. Out of the many propositions to be decided upon, Proposition Two has become one of particular interest. Currently, forty million animals are being raised on California farms for production of milk, dairy, cattle, and chickens: given these very large numbers and increased consumer awareness of current management practice, there has been an increase in concern for ethical treatment and welfare of livestock within the public. Proposition Two challenges standards of confinement for livestock, specifically: veal crates, battery cages and gestation crates. Veal crates are restricted areas in which calves (young domestic cattle) are reared for slaughter. Battery cages are enclosures in which multiple female chickens are housed to lay their eggs, and similar to veal and battery cages, gestation crates are areas of restricted space in which female pi gs are housed during periods of pregnancy. If passed, Proposition Two would require all farming operations as of January 1, 2015 to house these farm animals in areas where they are able to extend their wings or limbs to full potential1. Although confinement of livestock and poultry is a well-established practice, modern housing does not allow animals to exhibit most normal behaviors3. Research has shown that animals held in restricted cage areas suffer from unnecessary stress and are unable to maintain normal bone structure, most commonly in the limbs and/or wings. The larger cages suggested by Proposition Two might provide a great deal of opportunities to supplement the wellbeing of animals and the quality of the products that they produce. Most... ... eggs in the United States. As evidence indicates, the greatest impact of Proposition Two will be felt by the California egg industry6. Proposition Two is also risk to the safety of farm animal, the products they produce, and decreases sanitation practices in comparison to modern housing. Under the conditions of Proposition Two, livestock would be at a higher risk of contracting communicable diseases in comparison to the disease/infection risks posed by current caging methods. Proposition Voting no on Proposition Two will keep the animal agriculture business and its animals safe and healthy while keeping the California egg industry secure. Proposition Two appears to be a measure with great potential for both the animal welfare and animal agriculture, but in reality, studies and research have concluded that Proposition Two is a detriment to both animals and humans.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ralph Ellison was an African American
Ralph Ellison was an African American writer and literary critic who was most recognized for the book â€Å"Invisible Man†in 1952, which is written in an adaptation of the Afro-American folk and cultural tradition. In her paper â€Å"Ritual and Rationalization: Black Folklore in the Works of Ralph Ellison†Susan Blake posited that â€Å"the predominant theme in this story is the quest for cultural identity [†¦] as unbeknownst to the main character, he seeks identity as a black man in a white society†(p. 121). This is evident as Battle Royal opens with a seemingly young and confused black boy on the cusp of manhood, who desperately wants to belong but is unsure of how to establish himself in a world where life is stacked against him. This is an issue which can be identified in today's society particularly among the black youth. For the purpose of this essay we shall analyse the events in â€Å"Battle Royal†in an effort to identify parallels which exist between present day society and that of the protagonist's society in â€Å"Battle Royal†. The chapter is an account of inequality and racial injustices in a small town down south in the post -colonial era, where segregation was alive. It begins with the protagonist narrating a childhood memory of his grandfather's death and his final words in passing. The grandfather had admonished the protagonist's parents to teach him and the other young ones to be a traitor as he, the grandfather had been, so he can get ahead in a white society. These were appalling words to the family and the children, including the narrator had been rushed from the room. The boy grew, always thinking the grandfather had imparted a curse and spent his life trying to escape the clutches of the curse, for who would want to be known as a traitorous coward? The parallels which exist between our society and that of the story are embedded in the symbolism that Ellison employed as a tool in his treatment of the issues of the black society in the 1950s. The story is rife with symbolism for issues which may easily be identified in modern day society. First we see the dying grandfather and his last words, symbolic of the hopes and dreams of ancestors passed on to the next generation. He has little else left to leave behind as a legacy, all he has is his wisdom. We see a confused black boy, symbolic of much of the black society, wandering aimlessly as they haven't a true sense of who they were before slavery and they struggle to figure out how to begin to carve out a place in this world. The gathering at the Battle Royal, comprising of the most influential and affluent whites in the society represents the hierarchy that governs the system we live under. It also represents black perception of opportunities for a seat at the table or at the very least, crumbs from the table; a chance to win the approval of whites for social and economic advancement. Such opportunities are often used as a lure, they keep blacks hopeful, paint a picture of all we could accomplish but beneath the surface can be the trap that leads to destruction. The white stripper represents the fantasies of blacks, something that is often not attainable; something that would often serve as a source of embarrassment to us if they were to be known, yet they make us vulnerable. The animosity the nine boys have towards the main character symbolizes the helplessness and frustration of the black community (Blake, p.122). The protagonist represents to the boys, a constant reminder of the scourge of their lowly estate as slaves, the physical and sexual exploitation that had to have occurred to make his existence possible, for he was a ginger coloured boy, indicative of lighter complexion which is testament to a black ancestor being raped by a white master. He was tainted by this for it made him appear to be a house nigger as opposed to darker hued boys who would have been regarded as field niggers. This mentality is prolonged in present day society as colorism is an issue among blacks, who feel that the lighter skinned blacks have better odds as they may have lighter skin tones and finer hair textures that may afford them more opportunities than darkies. This frustration feeds into the symbol of the blindfolded fight serving as blacks being played against each other. We lash out, not knowing why we are fighting against each other, not recognizing that the differences in each other that we pick at make no difference to whites, who still see us all as blacks. We are conditioned to adopt the philosophy of every man for himself. In essence we forsake the principle of community and abandon team work. It sets us up for the money rug, which is symbolic of the whites dangling the proverbial carrot, a part of a sordid game that further divides us and allows them the upper hand. It relegates us to a position of grovelling, total degradation. It represents the economic struggles of blacks , who must bear unspeakable humiliation and undergo excruciating pain and sacrifice to make a dollar. Finally, the note in the main character's dream symbolizes the ever shifting goal post; the reality that the rules of the game will always keep changing. Ellison uses the Battle Royal as a ritual rooted in slavery in which both sides accept their status and assumes their role (â€Å"Art†p. 175) Other writers used some variation of the Battle royal in their stories as it appears to have been a fixture of slavery in which slave owners pitted their strongest slaves against their neighbor's with the plantation as the ultimate stake. In order to understand the underbelly of the basis of the symbolism in the grandfather's statement on his death bed, one must know the differences between the Sambo and John characters in African American folklore. Sambo represents the docile, subservient slave who accepts degradation while John represents the unbroken defiant slave who continually defies master. The parting words of the protagonist's grandfather serve as nuggets of wisdom for though youth and pride would have many aspiring to be a John, for longevity sake it would serve him better to be a Sambo or Samfie; for though this appears to be Sambo's nature, it is his greatest source of power. We see the protagonist rejecting the Sambo nature out of pride. This is still the attitude of many blacks today, for they cannot see how playing Sambo will benefit them and think it further extends the white man's narrative, that they can be no more than grovelling idiots who suck up and worship the ground that whites walk on. They refuse to accept the grandfather's philosophy that it can be harnessed and used as a tool that can pacify the whites to some degree and help blacks to eke out a living for themselves. By virtue of the staunch opposition to the Sambo stereotype, some blacks are regarded as traitors because they choose the path of least resistance to survive a prejudicial society. Those who would try to walk the path of Sambo are called coons, Massa's boy as a label that shows disdain for their decision to travel the path of least resistance; an indictment that they have somehow sold out the black race or relinquished their black card. This may result in alienation, as both whites and blacks reject such a one.By the end of the chapter the grandfather's words take on new meaning for he only wished to let the next generation know that to get ahead blacks must outsmart the white man by playing the white man's game of black subservience, but know at all times that you won't win on their terms. Take footsteps of Sambo, for Sambo can fly under the radar but John will draw heat from Massa and they will always seek to break John. The takeaway then, is that we should continue to go to the sc hools, take the scholarships, seek to accomplish by the white man's standards but know that for him this is entertainment and so the game of â€Å"send the fool a little further†will always be part of the black man's reality.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Far from Heaven
Todd Haynes renders a delightful yet subtle touch to the theme of racism and heterosexuality in his 2002 award winning movie, Far From Heaven. The movie is set at the backdrop of 1957, a period when racism and orthodox feelings were at its peek in the society. The plot revolves around Cathy Whitaker who is shown as a good wife, good mother and a perfect homemaker.Her husband Frank is an executive at Magnatech. The film starts with the scene when Cathy gets a call from the local police bout her husband who happens to be on the line. He says police mistook him for someone else and they are not leaving him alone. In the sequence of scenes that follows, Frank begins to stay late at office and develops obsession with the other men while Cathy develops love with Raymond Deagan, who is their late gardeners son as well a black man.Meanwhile Franks relationship with Cathy gets strained, and he turns to alcohol. Soon relationship between Cathy and Raymond leads to severe relationship between h im and his daughter. Meanwhile Frank is not able to uppress his feelings as homosexual and falls in love with other man seeking divorce from Cathy. In the whole film, we could see double tension perpetuating among the protagonists desires with each scene portraying interracial romances or one or the other issue of the homosexuality.The pool scene which appears almost near the end of the movie carries the themes of race and homosexuality more clearly and very closely entangled within the film and is beautifully fused within the whole structure of film. This scene takes place at Miami where Frank and Cathy go to rejuvenate their arried life. In the previous scene one has observed the stealthy look that passes between Frank and a handsome blond boy. In this pool scene, while Cathy is sitting just near the poolside, Frank has Just finished some laps to catch his breath.While he is sitting on steps with his legs submerged in the waters, he notices that members of the blond family are com ing out and their son does not seem to be with them. Frank gets up, stretches himself, comes out of the pool and as he is going to pickup his towel, a black boy aged four or five years rushes besides him towards the pool. Soon father of the young boy runs towards him and shouts at him as other white guests are watching Now what did I tell you about going in that pool You know youre not allowed in there (Far From Heaven) Boy is taken away forcefully and he begins to cry.Though he has Just been on the first step of the pool yet pool gets emptied within few moments. The atmosphere gets tensed and further increases when one white lady hysterically orders her daughter to immediately come out of the pool. When the daughter asks the reason, she retorts Because I said so (Far From Heaven). This scene hows the limit to which Americans are afraid of the blacks, and are extremely afraid of their black bodies the bodies that can cause infection.This misconception is so beautifully and realistic ally portrayed that it shows the extent to which people are engrossed in the racism and their prejudice that they can be easily carried away with the delusion that black bodies are contaminated and thus they cannot even share the pool with them. The camera shifts between Cathys perspective who is looking out of the pool, and then moves straight on to the Cathy herself to make the audience ignifying a protecting cover to the feelings emanating from her heart.The whole scene becomes a minuscule of the large drama that is unfolded inside the pool illustrating Cathys futile love affair with Raymond. The stress on the black father and the white mother taming their children to remain aloof with each other is suggestive of the deeply imbedded wall that is divided between the two communities socially, psychology as well as emotionally. The scene then turns towards Frank, and camera is focused on Frank when he sees the blond boy.At the time when the tense situation erpetuated by the racism b egins to calm down, the camera moves to show the viewers Franks thoughts on racism. Close up shot is taken as camera is focused on the Franks face as he observes the body of the black child and then of a blond teenager, both suggestive of the fact that Frank is trying to sort out this whole drama as he himself is so confused at the time. At this Juncture, Frank decides to move back into their hotel room to get Cathys book. Inside the room when he is looking at himself in the bathroom mirror, he feels somebodys presence behind him.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Vietnams problems essays
Vietnam's problems essays Communism in Vietnam originated in when it was overrun by the Japanese during World War II. When the Japanese retreated, the Vietnamese formed their own government, with Ho Chi Minh as their leader. After the war, the Allies gave southern Vietnam to the French, and northern Vietnam to the Chinese. The Chinese did not treat the Vietnamese well and support for Ho Chi Minh grew, as he was removed from power after the war ended. The Chinese retreated from Vietnam, and supporters of Ho Chi Minh, the Viet Minh, took matters into their own hands. The reign of Ho Chi Minh was supported by Communist China, where Mao Tse Tung had risen to power. Other communists supported Ho Chi Minh as well, like Russia and Eastern Europe. This was similar to what had happened in World War II, where these countries had developed by means of communism in the Cold War. In 1946, the French had declared that they wanted to take over northern Vietnam. The Viet Minh fought back, using guerilla warfare. They also attacked southern Vietnam since they were under French control. Americans soon became concerned and developed the Domino Theory. The Domino Theory was that if one country had fallen to communism, the country next to it would also fall and the chain would continue until all surrounding countries would be under communist control. America feared that communism would spread too far, so they intervened. The Americans deployed special forces to go to southern Vietnam to train the Vietnamese how to fight against Viet Minh. The Viet Minh had convinced many Vietnamese peasants to support their cause in spreading communism. The southern Vietnamese ruler, Dien Bien Phu, who was against communism and was supported by America, wanted to save the Vietnamese by sending them to defended camps. The peasants did not like the idea because they didnt want to be moved, so the southern Vietnamese army overthrew him. The confusion ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Deal with Unprepared Students
How to Deal with Unprepared Students One of the facts that every teacher faces is that each day there will be one or more students who come to class without the ​necessary books and tools. They might be missing their pencil, paper, textbook, or whatever other school supply you asked them to bring with them that day. As the teacher, you need to decide how you will deal with this situation when it arises. There are basically two schools of thought about how to deal with a case of missing supplies: those who think that students should be held responsible for not bringing everything they need, and those who feel that a missing pencil or notebook should not be the cause of the student losing out on the days lesson. Lets take a look at each of these arguments. Students Should Be Held Responsible Part of succeeding not only in school but also in the real world is learning how to be responsible. Students must learn how to get to class on time, participate in a positive manner, manage their time so that they submit their homework assignments on time, and, of course, come to class prepared. Teachers who believe that one of their main tasks is to reinforce the need for the students to be responsible for their own actions will typically have strict rules about missing school supplies. Some teachers will not allow the student to participate in the class at all unless they have found or borrowed the necessary items. Others might penalize assignments because of forgotten items. For example, a geography teacher who is having students color in a map of Europe might reduce a students grade for not bringing in the required colored pencils. Students Should Not Miss Out The other school of thought holds that even though a student needs to learn responsibility, forgotten supplies should not stop them from learning or participating in the days lesson. Typically, these teachers will have a system for students to borrow supplies from them. For example, they might have a student trade something valuable for a pencil that they then return at the end of the class when they get that pencil back. One excellent teacher at my school only lends pencils out if the student in question leaves one shoe in exchange. This is a foolproof way of ensuring that the borrowed supplies are returned before the student leaves the class. Random Textbook Checks Textbooks can cause a lot of headaches for teachers as students are prone to leaving these at home. Most teachers do not have extras in their classroom for students to borrow. This means that forgotten textbooks typically result in students having to share. One way to provide incentives for students to bring their texts each day is to periodically hold random textbook/material checks. You can either include the check as part of each students participation grade or give them some other reward such as extra credit or even some candy. This depends on your students and the grade you are teaching. Larger Problems What if you have a student who rarely if ever brings their materials to class. Before jumping to the conclusion that they are just lazy and writing them a referral, try to dig a little deeper. If there is a reason that they are not bringing their materials, work with them to come up with strategies to help. For example, if you think the issue at hand is simply one of organization issues, you might provide them with a checklist for the week for what they need each day. On the other hand, if you feel that there are issues at home that are causing the problem, then you would do well to get the students guidance counselor involved.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Health Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Health Administration - Essay Example After letting go the old habit the change stage comes in, people are then thought to embrace the new habit in their behavior. Finally, when change has taken place freeze stage can be achieved easily as it involves making the change a new habit. For change process to be successful one must understand the reason why change should happen, a motivating factor should be there for it to be realized. Change begins from the unfreezing stage, acceptance to change is very necessary. According to Marquis (157) this stage requires that individuals prepare mentally to receive the new habit and let go the old. We have to feel that there is a need for change so as to embrace change easily. This is usually the most difficult stage to achieve. When individuals get used to a certain way of doing things, it usually is very hard to make them change and embrace a new way of doing the same thing (Marquis 158). People tend to question the importance or relevance of the new
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Virtual Reality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Virtual Reality - Essay Example The virtual reality systems play an important role in education and training. It provides a solution to some of the challenges that the students may be facing. Virtonomics is one of the existing systems that are widely used by the students during training. It enables the students to test their knowledge and skills in the virtual economy. This has played an important role in providing solutions to the challenges that the students are likely to face in the real world. Virtual reality systems are widely used for military combat training. It enables the recruits to carry out their training under a controlled environment where they can respond to different situations. Head mounted display together with virtual reality weapon is used during the training of the recruits. Virtual reality enables the solders to train under different terrains without necessarily visiting such terrains physically. The existing virtual reality is also used widely for the training of combat pilots. This enables t hem to obtain the skills required in the battle field. Virtual reality systems are also used during the tank drivers. The existing systems, therefore, play an important role in ensuring that different personnel can obtain the required experience. Virtual reality is also used in some of the countries for train firemen. In other countries, it is used for training the doctors to respond to a different live threatening situation of the patients. Virtual reality is also used for gaming. The head mounted display is usually used for gaming.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
State Laws versus National supremacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
State Laws versus National supremacy - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that federalism is a structure of government with one central government and other smaller units such as states in the United States of America. It is a system of government in which the sovereignty is sub divided into the central government and other constituent units such as provinces or states. State rights refer to the political supremacy set aside for the American state governments other than the federal government in line with the American Constitution. Supremacy Clause is available in Article six of the American national constitution. It states that federal treaties and statutes form the supreme laws of the land and provides that these are the supreme and highest forms of law in the legal system of U.S. and mandates that all state statutes must follow the Federal law whenever a conflict occurs between the state law and federal law. The architects of the New Federalism, a program that permitted states to decisions concerning local iss ues, were George Bush and Ronald Reagan. For 200 years, the relationship between the two governments has shifted more towards the national supremacy, though several observers today believe that the power balance is beginning to stretch out back to the states. One major sign that the national government was growing in the 1960s was the great number of categorical grants that existed during that time. There has been a debate on power distribution between the national government and the U.S. States began as early as 1787 with the founding of the Republic and continues up to today.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Team Building Exercise And Purpose Management Essay
Team Building Exercise And Purpose Management Essay Team building is a wide range of activities that are presented to business, sports, schools, religions or even NPOs to ensure improvements performance in teams. Team building is usually done through several activities and practices, which can range from simple bonding exercise to complicated simulations along with multi-day team building retreats that are designed with the aim of developing a particular team, usually falling somewhere in between. This practice in most cases sits within theories along with practices of organizational development. However, it can also be applied in to sports teams, groups in schools, as well as other contexts. Team building practices need not to be confused with what is referred to as team recreation, which consists of activities for teams that are mainly recreational. In most cases, team building is considered as a very important factor in any environment (DeSimone Et al. 2002). Its concentration is to specialize in bringing out the best from a certain team, as to ensure self development, positive communication practices, leadership skills as well as the capability of working closely together as a team to problem solving. Different literatures have stated that, work environment in most cases concentrates on individual and personal objectives, with regard and recognition singling out the achievements that individual employees have attained. How to create effective teams is a challenge in every organization. In other words, team building also means the processes that are used in the selection and of teams from scratch. Team Building Exercise and Purpose The exercises involved in team building consists of a variety of tasks that are designed with the aim of developing group members as well as their capability of working together effectively and efficiently. There exist several types of team building activities that range from kid games to games involving novel complex tasks; however, they are designed for specific needs (Field Ford, 1995). There also exist complex team building activities that are composed of multiple exercises like rope courses, corporate drumming, as well as exercises that might last for several days. The main objective of team building exercises is for helping teams to become human units that are much cohesive for them to work together effectively to complete tasks. Types of Team Building Exercises The first type is communication exercise. This type of exercise is just as it sounds. Communication exercises involve problem solving practices that are geared towards upgrading communication skills. Most of the issues encountered in such practices are in most cases solved through effective communication among the members (Foley, 2000). The main objective of this activity is to come up with an activity that addresses the significance of good communication in team performance and /or potential problems with communication. Another type of team building activity includes problem solving, also known as decision making exercise. This exercise concentrates specifically on groups that are working together to deal with difficult, or come up with complex solutions. Such like exercises are the most common exercises as they appear to be having the most direct link, to what most of the employers are looking for to be incorporated in their working force (Noe, 2005). The main goal of this exercise is to provide the participants with a problem whose solution is not easily apparent, or it might require the team to with solutions that are much creative. The next exercise is planning also called adaptability exercise. These exercises concentrates on concepts that deal with planning as well as being able to adapt to different environmental climates, that are changing every now and then, due to political instability din the country. These are important things for teams to be able to do when they are assigned complex tasks. Or even complex circumstances. The main object of this type of exercise is to show the significance of planning before implementing any solution or recommendation. The last but not least type of team building exercise is trust exercise. This exercise on the other hand involves engagement of team members in a manner that induces trust between them. Some time, the practices are difficult to engage in, or even implement. This is based on the fact that there are varying levels of trust that exist between individuals, as well as varying degrees of personal comforts trusting others generally (Rigg Et al. 2007). The main goal of such like exercises of is the creation of trust between team members. Tips for Team Building It is true that, individuals at work place keep on talking about team building, working together as a team, however, it is only a few of them that really understands the creation as well as the experience gained from team work, or even how to come up and develop one that is much effective. Belonging to a team, looking at it in the broadest point of view, should be the essence of feeling being part and parcel of something that is much larger than oneself (Achua Lussier, 2007). It has a lot of things to do with somebodys understanding of the mission, vision and objectives of that particular group that one belongs in. Fit need to be noticed that, team oriented environment, every individual who happens to be a member, needs to contribute to the overall success of that particular group. But how many individuals do that, or how many groups allow that? If though individuals might be having specific job functions and belongs to specific departments, done needs to know that is unified with other team members for the accomplishment of the overall goal of the organization or group. The larger picture need to be the one that drives actions in an organization as someones function exists to serve the larger picture. In group building, it is much essential to differentiate between the overall sense of teamwork from the task of coming up with an effective and intact team, that is build to attain certain goals or objectives. As effect, on the ground, individuals tent to confused two team building objectives. As a result, this is the reasons as to why so many team building seminars, meetings, retreats as well as activities are deemed to be failures in the society by those who usually participate in them. It is true that leaders of such group activities fail to define the team that they desired to build (Larry, 1991). The process of developing an overall sense of team work is far much different from the process of building an effective, focused work team, when considering team building approaches. Different Cs for Team building Executives, managers as well as the organization staff members, have to universally engage in the process of exploring different ways of improving business results along with profitability. Many individuals look at team-based, horizontal organization structures as being the best design for involving all the employees in the creation of business successes. But the fact is, no matter the name given to ones team-based improvement effort; continuous improvement, total quality, lean manufacturing or even self directed work teams, every body need to strive at improving the results for the benefit of customers of ones organization (Heathfield, 2010). It is true but disappointing to note that, only few organizations are however totally pleased with the results of their team improvement efforts produce. It should be noted that, if ones team improvement efforts are not living to ones expectations, this self diagnosing list of check, may tell the reasons as to why. Some successful team building, that ends up creating effective, focused work teams, in most cases need attention to each one of the following: Clear expectations; the executive leadership needs to clearly communicate its expectations for the performance of the team, along with the expected outcomes. Team members on the other hand need to understand the reason as ton why the group was formed. In addition, the organization needs to demonstrate constancy of purpose in providing support to the team with resources of time, individuals, as well as finances. The work that is performed by the team, need to receive sufficient emphasis as a major priority in terms of time, attention, discussions well as interest directed its way by the executive leaders. Context; team members should have an understanding as to why they are taking part in the team, in such a way, they will have an understanding effects of team strategy in helping the organization in attaining it communicated business objectives and goals. As an effect, the team members ought to define their teams significance to the attainment of the corporate goals and objectives. To attain this, the team members need to understand where its work fits in the total context of different goals, principles, vision as well as values of the organization. Commitment; there is need for the members of the team to take part in the teams activities fully, as this will make team members to be more committed to the attainment of the mission and outcome expectations of the team. In so doing, the team members will perceive their services pas much valuable to the organization as well as their own careers. This in one way or the other will make the make the team members to anticipate for the recognition for their contributions (Heathfield, 2011). It should be noted by team members that, their participation will enhance the growth of their skills and experience on the team. After this realization, team members will then be excited and challenged by the team opportunity. Competence is another C; it will be good if the team feels that it has the appropriate individuals taking part in it, for instance, in the process improvement, each step of the operation need to represent in the team. The team should feel that, its members should have the necessary knowledge, skills and capabilities to address the issues for which the team was formed to address. In case this is not there, the team ought to have an access to the help it requires. The team should feel that, it has been given the necessary, strategies and support that it requires fin order to accomplish the assigned responsibility. Charter; fit is the responsibility of the team to take the assigned area of responsibility and design its own mission, vision as well as the strategies that will be much helpful in the attainment of the overall mission and objective. It is always good for the team to define and co9mmunicate its objectives, its anticipated results as well as its report contribution, its timelines, and the procedure it will employ in measuring its results of its work as well as the processes along with operations followed by the team to accomplish its tasks. The leadership team or any other group charged with the responsibility of coordinating group activities should at all times support all what the team has designed. Control; the team at all times need to be given the necessary freedom and as well as the empowerment so that it can feel the ownership that is much necessary for it to accomplish its charter. At the same juncture, the team members should clearly understand their limits or boundaries. This will in one way or the other determine the extent at which the team can go in pursuit of solutions, determine its limitations like in terms of time and monitory resources, that was defined at the initial stages of the project, before the team experiences barriers as well as the rework. The teams reporting relationship as well as accountability should be understood by all members of the organization. This is because; the organization defined the teams authority, to make recommendation, as well complimenting its plan. It holds more water if all there will be a defined process of reviewing both the organization and the team consistently and aligned to the purpose and in direction. Every team member sho uld hold each other accountable for project timelines, commitments and results. As an effect, the organization should have plans for increasing the opportunities for self management among organization members. Collaboration; the team should be in a position of understanding the team as well as the group process. Members need to be in a position of understanding group stages involved in group development. This will enable them to work interpersonally together effectively. All team members are acquainted with the duties and responsibilities [charged to each team member as well as to the group as a whole. They should know the responsibilities of team leaders as well as the team recorders to avoid confusion and mixing of responsibilities. The team ought to be in a position of solving problems, process improvement, and project measurement techniques. This will encourage cooperation among group members to accomplish the group charter. The team should establish team norms and rules of conduct that will be used for governing like conflict resolution, consensus decision making along with meeting management. This will enable the team to use appropriate strategy to accomplish its action plan. Communication; the team members should always be clear about the priority of their tasks. This will enable the team to establish proper methods that will be used during feedback giving, as well as receiving honest performance feedback. The organization on its part needs to provide important business data regularly, enabling the team to understand the complete context of its existence. The team members should also be in a position of communicating clearly and honestly with each other. This in one way or the other help members top provide diversified opinions to the table for discussions and conclusions, which will end up addressing necessary conflicts. Creative Innovations; the organization should in one way or the other show that it really want change. This will enable the team to realize that the company needs creative thinking, solutions that are unique and also new ideas. The organization as a result rewards individuals who reasonably risks coming up with improvements, other than victimizing them. It should reward these who fit in and maintain the status quo. Never the less, it should provide training education, as well as providing access to learning materials like books and films, along with field trips that will stimulate new thinking. Consequences; all team members need to feel responsible and accountable for team achievements. To enhance this attitude, rewards should be awarded whenever the team becomes successful], in addition, this will also be achieved if reasonable risks are respected and encouraged in the organization. Though the reward supply ought to be encouraged by the organization, the rewarding system ought to be in a position of recognizing both team as well as individual performances. Do team members fear reprisal? the team members need not to waste their time pointing fingers at each other instead of resolving problems. It will be encourage if the organization will be willing to share gains and the increased profitability wit team along with individual contributors, as for the contributors to be motivated, they ought to see their impact don the increased organization success. Coordination; though there are different systems of coordination in teamwork, but there need to be a central leadership team that will be assisting the group to get what they require for their success. This central body will ensure priorities and resource allocation have been planned across all departments. In support of this, teams ought to understand the aspect of internal customer serving- as the next process, anybody to whom they provide products or even services. To accelerates this, cross-functional along with multi-departmental groups need to work need to work together as one, in developing customer focused, process-focused orientation , as the move away from traditional departmental thinking. Cultural change is the last but not least C involved in team building. The organizations or even societies need to recognize that the team-focused, empowering, enabling organizational culture of the future is different than the traditional, hierarchical organization it may currently be. The organization need to be having plans on how to recruit its employees, along with how to reward, plan development, how it carries out motivation practices, and how it manages individuals they employ. It is good for the organization to determine if will be using failures for learning as well as supporting reasonable risks (Van Dijk Phoads, 2007). The organization should also look forward on how to change its climate towards supporting teams, as this will increase the payback from them. When more time is spend in looking at such tips to ensure effective and efficient teams contribution to business successes. Conclusion A team that is well managed forms the cornerstone of success in any organization. The success of a team appears if and only if team members are in good terms, able to accomplish something tangible, by working together as a group other than working as individuals. It should be taken that, the success and the progress of a team, is the responsibility that is charged to every team member, regardless of the hierarchy. Being in a group, has nothing to do with the dissolution of somebodys individualism, though helps in build in g the identity by addressing somebodys strength as well as potentialities. The basis of team building is based on effective communication. however, the co-existence can be achieved by having by engaging in team building practices, which are fun-filled with the aim of attaining goals by making work far much enjoyable as well as gratifying , though there has to be consistency, to ensure that individuals are not taking it as time and effort wastage (Cardy Et al. 2009). The aim of team building in most cases is to encourage members with expertise in certain areas contribute to the objectives of teams. Lack of harmony in a team makes individual opinions and ideas, which might lead to conflicts. In addition, the absence of co-ordination between diversified personalities is one of the biggest factors that might lead to failure at work place. For the effective team management, certain pointers ought to be in place, for instance, responsibility division between members and be much clear about roles; this effectively avoids confusion (Andrejev, 2006). The process of decision making should also not be left top management alone; the entire team should whenever possible. This in one was or the other ensures, better productivity, absence of trust and belonging among members. Team building helps in boosting self-confidence as well as moral of the involved individuals. The show of appreciation as well as giving timely feedback, also motivate employees. It is good to notice that, teams are never static; they grow and change with time. Effective team management recognizes each members strong qualities and mobilizes them to work together.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Narration in The Turn of the Screw Essay -- The Turn of the Screw Henr
Narration in The Turn of the Screw Henry James makes the governess the narrator because she keeps the readers’ interest by also being involved in the story as a main character. However, being involved on this personal level, it can make the governess exaggerate at times and be over-emotional. Her determined and curious nature makes her an ideal candidate to explore the mysterious happenings, however her imagination keeps the reader in suspense, as we are never sure how much she has exaggerated the story. This also adds tension as the full picture is never revealed. This choice of narrator is therefore challenged by Susan Hill’s description that a narrator should be ‘unimaginative and straightforward’ as the governess’ increasing exaggeration, hysteria and ambiguity make her less than straightforward. The governess’s character is established at the beginning of the novel when she meets the master. Her impressionability is displayed when he immediately charms her. She has little experience at being a governess as it says she is ‘The youngest of several daughters of a country parson’, which also indicates her simple country background. Her naivety also makes her very romantic and imaginative. James writes that she has ‘†¦come up to London from the country’ which hints that the governess is very determined and eager for the job. Her trusting nature is also revealed when she doesn’t question the master’s bizarre rule; ‘that she should never trouble him again.’ She doesn’t question him, as she is enthralled and under his spell, hinting at her infatuation. This also could mean that the narrative would be biased in his favour. The governess first sees Peter Quint at dusk in the first few weeks of her gove... ...ry tragic and ambiguous circumstances. It is very intense at the end, because it is just the governess and Miles, and the governess is trying to force a confession out of him. When he does confess, Peter Quint appears and the governess immediately tries to protect the boy, seeing herself locked in a battle of good versus evil, where she is good and Peter Quint is bad. There are also several alternative reasons for Miles’ death open for interpretation to the reader; either the governess smothered him, shock (from seeing Quint), or Quint is involved somehow. The line ‘Peter Quint- you devil’ is in addition ambiguous. Miles is either confessing that Peter Quint is a devil, or that he sees the governess as tormenting him. James ends the story in this way because it leaves the reader questioning how the boy died, and the narrator’s sanity is also questioned. Narration in The Turn of the Screw Essay -- The Turn of the Screw Henr Narration in The Turn of the Screw Henry James makes the governess the narrator because she keeps the readers’ interest by also being involved in the story as a main character. However, being involved on this personal level, it can make the governess exaggerate at times and be over-emotional. Her determined and curious nature makes her an ideal candidate to explore the mysterious happenings, however her imagination keeps the reader in suspense, as we are never sure how much she has exaggerated the story. This also adds tension as the full picture is never revealed. This choice of narrator is therefore challenged by Susan Hill’s description that a narrator should be ‘unimaginative and straightforward’ as the governess’ increasing exaggeration, hysteria and ambiguity make her less than straightforward. The governess’s character is established at the beginning of the novel when she meets the master. Her impressionability is displayed when he immediately charms her. She has little experience at being a governess as it says she is ‘The youngest of several daughters of a country parson’, which also indicates her simple country background. Her naivety also makes her very romantic and imaginative. James writes that she has ‘†¦come up to London from the country’ which hints that the governess is very determined and eager for the job. Her trusting nature is also revealed when she doesn’t question the master’s bizarre rule; ‘that she should never trouble him again.’ She doesn’t question him, as she is enthralled and under his spell, hinting at her infatuation. This also could mean that the narrative would be biased in his favour. The governess first sees Peter Quint at dusk in the first few weeks of her gove... ...ry tragic and ambiguous circumstances. It is very intense at the end, because it is just the governess and Miles, and the governess is trying to force a confession out of him. When he does confess, Peter Quint appears and the governess immediately tries to protect the boy, seeing herself locked in a battle of good versus evil, where she is good and Peter Quint is bad. There are also several alternative reasons for Miles’ death open for interpretation to the reader; either the governess smothered him, shock (from seeing Quint), or Quint is involved somehow. The line ‘Peter Quint- you devil’ is in addition ambiguous. Miles is either confessing that Peter Quint is a devil, or that he sees the governess as tormenting him. James ends the story in this way because it leaves the reader questioning how the boy died, and the narrator’s sanity is also questioned.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Citibank Case
The supreme mortgages crisis In October 2007 affected Callback as Collector Incurred losses of $9. 83 billion for the last quarter of 2007. The ever-changing global economy encourages CitiBank to be more innovative to respond to new trends and customers' needs. It is an era of tough competition in which CitiBank has the duty to find ways to always increase operating efficiency while maintaining or even improving services to customers. There Is a rapid change In technology that requires CitiBank to respond to new customers' demand.For Instance, businesses demanded electronic Invoicing, automatic application of payments to accounts receivable and online payment guarantees. Due to the tough competition environment, if CitiBank is not able to provide such services, other banks could steal their customers. The Internet is probably the most important feature in the banking industry. Customers now prefer to run their transactions online because it Is more efficient and less time consuming.C itibank knew that this was vital to their success, and their balloons was to become the world's leading e-business enabler. Indeed, technology investments In the global financial service industry were growing at a rate of 4. % per year. CitiBank then implement an e-business strategy to deliver on its vision. 2. There are barriers to new entrants in the financial services industry, especially on the global market stage. Deutsche Bank and Callback were actually the two leading banks that Invested heavily in monitoring cash balances online.It requires a lot of Investment from other banks to be able to compete with these two giants of the industry. However, CitiBank is faced with a low level of rivalry from some Macs that build their own systems and look for ways to disintermediation banks. Also, several genealogy companies compete heavily by using their technological expertise and interests in providing new services. It exists a high bargaining power of customers because their needs an d expectations are changing rapidly. Indeed, In the financial services Industry, customers are everything.The bargaining power of suppliers Is medium due to the ability of CitiBank to acquire Lava Trading and other major electronic savvy companies in order to offer its institutional clients the benefits of the most sophisticated and robust electronic trading system in the market. There are no bustiest products in the financial services industry, and for the reasons mentioned above, this industry is unattractive if one is a new comer. However, for Institutions like Callback that enjoy a sustainable competitive advantage, It Is definitely an attractive Industry. . Among its main capabilities, CitiBank is able to manage some of their clients' duties such as managing their accounts receivables and payable. CitiBank has been able to become not only a bank but global financial institution by building a broad customer base, offering diverse products, actively participating in the community , ND recruiting staff and senior management from the local population. Moreover, CitiBank made continuous investment in technology to provide corporate customers the most cost-effective, cutting-edge, reliable, and secure solutions.Citibank's core competence would definitely be its customer service. Their focus on customers enabled them to acquire a significant market share. Customers' loyalty was driven by Citibank's commitment to excellence in its processing business. The bank was ranked higher than its competitors in the areas of accuracy, timeliness, accessibility, and responsiveness several years in a row. . CitiBank has several strengths, which include a global network, an innovative product offering, and an experienced staff group.Indeed, the bank operated in 100 countries, it offered a wide variety of products and services, and employed over 268,000 employees from which Transmission was staffed by world-class employees with expert knowledge of financial data. According to th e case, CitiBank didn't have many weaknesses. However, I could identify increased operating costs of between 2005 and 2006 that caused the laying off of 17,000 positions. On the other hand, there are opportunities available to CitiBank. The world's largest market, China is now liberalizing its market, giving CitiBank opportunities to enter this market.Also, CitiBank can improve its online presence because it has been more focused on the US market, which is actually its largest. However, with the BIB transfers, Citibank is able to expand its international activities. Like any other financial institution, threats come from foreign exchange fluctuations, unstable market conditions, and regulators. CitiBank also has to face competition from technology companies that use their expertise to provide new services. For now, CitiBank enjoys a sustainable competitive advantage until another bank is able to replicate what they are doing best on a global level.The source of this sustainable comp etitive advantage is their ability to reach a wide array of customers by offering a customer service of excellence but also a wide range of products and services. I think that what may hinder CitiBank to go forward might be the high costs associated to technology investments in the global financial service. It is growing at a significant rate per annum, obligating CitiBank to spend a lot of money acquiring new technology and getting rid of its people. It could get to a mint where talented employees do not want to work for CitiBank fearing lay offs. . CitiBank;s customers include Macs, financial institutions, government sectors, local corporations, and Seems. The bank has opportunities in other markets like China, India, and the European market. Indeed, in other countries the Internet on the cell phone is used differently. It is very common to see people making bank transactions through their cell phones. CitiBank should target some of their services to this particular group of custo mers. Instead of putting a big emphasis on its corporate customers, It snouts also consoler making e rots to meet Uninominal customers' needs. . CitiBank;s e-business strategy is based on the banks objective to become the world's leading e-business enabler. It adopted this strategy because it wanted to empower local, regional, and global customers and the business-to-business-to- consumer marketplace and provide solutions to help them take advantage of the efficiencies and opportunities created by e-commerce. The challenge will be to keep its operating costs at a reasonable level because technology investments in the global financial service industry are constantly increasing. Another challenge was forCitiBank to translate its traditional strengths to the Internet in a way that would add value for its customers. CitiBank was able to integrate products in new ways, build a new global infrastructure to deliver products and services online, and deploy Web- enabling access points to all ow customers to connect seamlessly to the bank. I think that CitiBank will be successful as long as they take advantage of all the opportunities available with the Internet and technology. If it wants to remain competitive, it has to stay ahead of its rivals in following up with new future customers trends in order to satisfy their needs.
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